Version 17 December 2020
General terms and conditions with regard to online communication of POM West Flanders.
Use of the website
The information on this website is provided by POM West Flanders (POM West-Vlaanderen), with registered office at Koning Leopold III-laan 66, 8200 Bruges and enterprise number 0881.702.779.
POM West Flanders takes great care and consideration in its website and social media. Access to the information on its website and social media is free of charge, but the use thereof implies knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
By using this website or the social media of POM West Flanders, you agree to these general terms and conditions. You may consult or reproduce the information on this website or our social media free of charge for your personal use in any manner whatsoever, without prior written permission from POM West Flanders.
If you wish to reproduce the information on this website or on our social media, communicate it to the public or distribute it (e.g. by means of a download, print, microfilm, CD-ROM, screenshot, take-over in a presentation, or any other technology) for use by third parties, this is only permitted with the prior written permission of POM West Flanders and provided the source is mentioned.
As a user of this site or our social media, you are therefore not authorised to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, distribute, re-offer, reproduce, publish, assign under licence, transfer or sell to third parties any information, software, products or services obtained from this website, nor to create derivative works of the aforementioned elements, unless explicit prior written permission has been granted by the competent entity of POM West Flanders and provided that the source is acknowledged.
It is our aim that all information is as complete, correct, comprehensible, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite all our efforts, it may be the case that the information is no longer complete, correct, accurate or up to date.
All information on this website, on our social media or on the websites of government agencies or institutions to which we refer is of a general nature, unless expressly stated otherwise. The information is not adapted to circumstances specific to a person or entity. Therefore, you should not regard this information as personal, professional or legal advice or any equivalent. In order to obtain specific or personal advice, you should always consult the relevant services.
The information and documents made available through the website may not be considered authentic reproductions of texts officially adopted. Only the official texts published in the Belgian Official Gazette are authentic.
If the information on this website displays shortcomings, we will eliminate these as soon as possible. If you discover any inaccuracies, you can contact the administrator of our website (info@pomwvl.be) or enquiries can be directed to the contact address mentioned on the web page in question.
We try to avoid interruptions of a technical nature as much as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the website will be completely free of interruptions or other technical problems. Our website is provided on an 'as is' basis.
POM West Flanders cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the website or social media or which results from the information made available on the website or social media, including but not limited to any losses, work interruptions, damage to programs or other data on the computer system, or to equipment or programs.
The content of the website (including hyperlinks) may be adapted, changed or supplemented at any time without prior notice or notification.
The website of POM West Flanders may contain links to other websites of authorities, agencies and organisations for which POM does not bear any direct or indirect liability, either with regard to the correctness and completeness of the content or with regard to the availability of the website. POM West Flanders is under no circumstances liable for the possible consequences of visiting, consulting and/or using those websites, the contents or the privacy policy of a website to which a link on the website of POM West Flanders would refer. Moreover, no rights are attached to information from third parties.
The addition of hyperlinks to one or more other websites, including the links on those websites, in no way implies any association, partnership, connection or approval with the institutions offering those websites.
POM West-Flanders is not responsible for the opinions expressed by people other than its staff members in discussion groups, information groups, forums and suchlike. If POM West Flanders is informed, in a substantiated manner, of (allegedly) unlawful or criminal content in its discussion groups, information groups or forums, it may remove or render inaccessible that content.
A notification to this effect may be sent to: info@pomwvl.be.
The content of e-mails and their attachment(s) are confidential and intended solely for the addressee(s). E-mails may contain confidential information and/or personal points of view that do not necessarily correspond with those of POM West Flanders.
If you are not the addressee and you have received an e-mail by mistake, please notify the sender immediately and then delete the message.
In its e-mails, POM West Flanders aims to provide information and advice in a careful manner, taking into account the available information. POM West Flanders cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damages resulting from incorrect or incomplete advice except in the case of intent or gross negligence.
Any e-mail originating from POM West Flanders or from one of its employees is of solely informative value and cannot establish any obligations.
Any comments or material that you send to POM West Flanders that are unsolicited and of your own accord, including data or responses concerning the content of this site, will be considered non-confidential, unless you explicitly mention the confidential nature of your correspondence. POM West Flanders rejects any obligation concerning the follow-up to be given to these general responses and data. POM West Flanders may use these responses and data at its own discretion, subject to the restrictions stipulated in the General Data Protection Regulation with regard to the processing of personal data. You agree that POM West Flanders can use the ideas, concepts, knowledge and techniques contained in your responses for any purpose whatsoever, including, among other things, the development and conception of new services.
This online agreement and all disputes and claims arising from the use of this site or any information contained therein shall be governed by Belgian law. The use of this website implies that you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Bruges, Belgium, and that you accept to bring all proceedings before those courts alone.
You can read all about our privacy policy here.
You can find our cookie policy here.