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Radiometer monitors algae blooms

The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), in collaboration with the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), developed an autonomous radiometer system as part of the HYPERMAQ project,

This radiometer system, named PANTHYR, was installed on the top deck of the Blue Accelerator platform at the end of 2019.

The PANTHYR sensor installed at the top deck of the Blue Accelerator test platform.

The system consists of two hyperspectral radiometers mounted on a pan-and-tilt system and continuously measures the reflectance at different wavelengths, which is the amount of reflected light in different colours, in support of developers on the platform.

The REMSEM research group of the RBINS processed the data from PANTHYR to observe the algae blooms in the spring, based on chlorophyll-a concentration that corresponds to a typical water colour.

The Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Monitoring (REMSEM) team makes use of remote sensing tools to carry out fundamental scientific research and provide management advice to governmental organizations.

The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) promotes accumulation of marine knowledge and excellence in marine research in Flanders.

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